services by Dr. Arndt Pechstein
Keynotes, Lectures & Inspirational Talks
Arndt is a regular keynote speaker at management meetings, customer events, future days, conferences and summits. With his entertaining, science-based but future-oriented and case-study backed formats, he engages his audiences and creates tangible, immersive and though-provoking experiences. His talks are in German or English and delivered on stage or virtually.
event moderation
In his role as moderator for network events, symposia and conferences, Arndt wows and captures his audiences through a mixture of story-telling, entertainment, domain knowledge and humor. Arndt is regular moderator of the driversity network that he co-initiated with Deutsche Bahn.
keynotes by Dr. Arndt Pechstein
Executive, leadership and team training & mentoring. The trainings we concept are usually customized, 1 to 3-day long immersive training formats directed at executives, managers, team leads, agile coaches, intrapreneurs and change agents. We also offer modular certification programs for agile approaches, company transformation and future skills
Upskilling and empowering participants with our Future Classes, Innovation & Business Culture Workshops and Agility Trainings
Implementation of agile, crisis management, resilience strategies, self-organizing teams, agile project management
training formats
1 to 3-day workshops
Agile Ambassador and Intrapreneur trainings and certifications
Future Classes (modular program with 4 blocks of in-person sessions alternating with real, on-site projects within participants’ organizations)
Arndt supports executives, leaders and teams to be more effective, to improve workflows and to speed up decision making. He helps with strategic guidance and drives innovation agendas and stakeholder alignments. He is your go-to person for neutrality, an outside view, lean approaches and expert moderation are required.
Moderation & support for stakeholder events or critical management meetings for high efficiency, interest mediation and focused value delivery and decisiveness
Facilitated workshops to create, test and validate strategic business responses and opportunities
Sparring and facilitation for top management and senior leadership teams
Team workshops on applied agile on running projects
Team kick-offs and agile events (e.g. reviews, townhalls, retrospectives)
Coaching & Mentoring
Arndt offers 1-on-1 coaching and mentoring sessions for leaders and executives to help solve leadership, strategic and career challenges, to give advice for development paths & future skills and to support decision making and ambiguity management. Arndt also serves as agility mentor to leading executives on their digital leadership journey. He uses a systemic, human-centered and value-driven approach that takes circumstances & dependencies into account and pushes for actionable and implementation-driven outcomes.
Agile mindset & approaches – Design Thinking, Lean Startup, KanBan, Scrum)
Business Model Generation – Platform Business Models and Value Proposition Design/JtbD
Resilience Strategies – setting up your company for Anti-Fragility and Adaptation
Leading Cultural Change & Digital Transformatiotion
Exponential Organizations – how to scale with the same pace as exponential technologies do
Strategic Excellence & Aligned Autonomy – introducing OKRs to increase performance & engagement
KanBan – to optimize workflows
Vision & Purpose – (Re)Defining the core DNA or your organization
Cognitive Biases, Heuristics – for complex environments and the Neuroscience of Change
Bioinspiration & Circular Economy– how to build a living and learning organization
Sustainability – how to transform from linear to circular and value-creating business
design sprints
Offers for design sprints and innovation approaches are abundant. Most of them will fail to make you future-proof. Without an exponential mindset, a shared purpose and an integration into your organization, every sprint will die shortly after the coaching team has left. Don’t waste your money, don’t risk your people’s frustration. If your goal is to make your organization future-proof – future-proof as in having impact, surviving disturbances and transforming your business – you are absolutely right with us. We help you to make disruption delightful.
The fastest way to solve the hardest problems, to transform your organization, and to empower teams
Create new business models, disrupting markets and industries through innovative products and services
Boost future-readiness, exponential and 10x-thinking
Our sprints are a unique combination of Google Venture and Exponential Organization (ExO) Design Sprints
Exponential Design Sprints
We have developed a sprint format and framework that combines the best of the Google Venture Design Sprint and the ExO Sprint and blends it with the agile essentials including Lean Startup, Business Model Generation, Customer Validation, and Growth Hacking. We help you identify, develop and launch disruptive initiatives and become more exponential.
We make you think, innovate and grow exponentially. Our exponential design sprints can be customized from 1-week Ultra-Sprints to 10-week Premium Sprints. They deliver three outcomes:
Shift toward an Exponential Mindset shifting from scarcity to abundance and thus toward unprecedented opportunity
Accelerated Innovation through exponential attributes (ExO principles) that are derived from the world's fastest-growing companies (e.g. Facebook, Google, TED)
Exponential Growth outpacing the performance of your peers by at least 10x by rapidly leveraging the abundance created by emerging technologies
Sustainability & Circular Economy Sprints
21st century organizations need a radically different setup. Whatever made companies strong in the 20th century will make them fail in the future. Organizations have to transform from an efficiency-driven, top-down, mechanistic architecture to an adaptive, anti-fragile and hyper-responsive organism. Those who don’t, will soon be history – fossils of a linear past.
In our Resilience and Innovation Sprints we boost our clients’ ability to adapt to changes, anticipate and deal with disruption and diversify their business models to survive great uncertainty and exponential change.
With our Sustainability and Circular Economy Sprints we leverage their potential to integrate business excellence with purpose-driven and responsible innovation. By learning from Living and Complex Adaptive Systems and by applying systems approaches and circular economy principles, we identify leverage points to boost the organization’s transformative impact and effectiveness.
As Biomimicry Expert, certified by the world’s though-leader Janine Benyus and her team, I launched the German Biomimicry ecosystem and co-founded both the European Biomimicry Alliance as well as the Biomimicry Academy. As Germany’s Biomimicry Ambassador and member of the Global Network Leaders Forum, I have access to bioinspiration experts across the globe.
“Reports show that 70% of company transformations fail. With Dr. Pechstein’s support we feel we belong to the other 30%. His approaches are thorough, honest, effective and empowering. We made leaps and grew in both competence and confidence!”

Transformation is fuzzy. It is hard to know where to start. It is difficult to measure and impossible to track by traditional KPIs. It requires a new mindset, new toolsets and new skillsets. It often even requires to challenge the core DNA of your organization both in terms of values and business models.
We de-risk transformation, make it tangible, focused, relevant and successful. We bring in the needed competences and quickly build and empower a task force of change agents that can scale and drive the transformation from within. We hate the buzz around design sprints and change initiatives that raise false hopes because they are not rooted in implementation and long-term survival of those methods and mindsets. We build capacity and change fluency, not only corporate entertainment. We are passionate to grow your business, not only ours!
What we do
Diagnostics: Assess your needs, potential and focus areas with our Exponential Readiness Check and Exponential Quotient Survey. Identify your maturity and start where it matters and creates value & impact
Quick-wins & long-term support for your Digital and Agile Transformation, Business Model Generation and Cultural Change
Driving digitalization and organizational culture
Future-proofing your organization by applying principles of exponential organizations and living systems for scaling and new growth
Agile coaching, workflow optimization (KanBan), strategic coherence (OKR implementation) and systemic organizational development
Our approaches and values
Radically human-centered and culture-aware
We don’t come in with a “know-it-all” attitude or shiny slide decks (if you fancy neat PPTs check out my keynotes ;). We are not advisors but sparring partners. We work on eye level. We listen to you and your people, we analyze the legacy and status quo before we advise.
We empower change agents for quick takeover
We identify and upskill those within your organization and teams that have a passion and affinity for taking ownership of the transformation. We equip them with the need tools and skills to drive the change and co-create all initiatives with them from the very beginning.
Radically human-centered and culture-aware
We don’t come in with a “know-it-all” attitude or shiny slide decks (if you fancy neat PPTs check out my keynotes ;). We are not advisors but sparring partners. We work on eye level. We listen to you and your people, we analyze the legacy and status quo before we advise.
Radically human-centered and culture-aware
We don’t come in with a “know-it-all” attitude or shiny slide decks (if you fancy neat PPTs check out my keynotes ;). We are not advisors but sparring partners. We work on eye level. We listen to you and your people, we analyze the legacy and status quo before we advise.