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Transformation is fuzzy. It is hard to know where to start. It is difficult to measure and impossible to track by traditional KPIs. It requires a new mindset, new toolsets and new skillsets. It often even requires to challenge the core DNA of your organization both in terms of values and business models.


We de-risk transformation, make it tangible, focused, relevant and successful. We bring in the needed competences and quickly build and empower a task force of change agents that can scale and drive the transformation from within. We hate the buzz around design sprints and change initiatives that raise false hopes because they are not rooted in implementation and long-term survival of those methods and mindsets. We build capacity and change fluency, not only corporate entertainment. We are passionate to grow your business, not only ours!​

What we do

  • Diagnostics: Assess your needs, potential and focus areas with our Exponential Readiness Check and Exponential Quotient Survey. Identify your maturity and start where it matters and creates value & impact

  • Quick-wins & long-term support for your Digital and Agile Transformation, Business Model Generation and Cultural Change

  • Driving digitalization and organizational culture

  • Future-proofing your organization by applying principles of exponential organizations and living systems for scaling and new growth

  • Agile coaching, workflow optimization (KanBan), strategic coherence (OKR implementation) and systemic organizational development


Our approaches and values

Radically human-centered and culture-aware

We don’t come in with a “know-it-all” attitude or shiny slide decks (if you fancy neat PPTs check out my keynotes ;). We are not advisors but sparring partners. We work on eye level. We listen to you and your people, we analyze the legacy and status quo before we advise.

We empower change agents for quick takeover

We identify and upskill those within your organization and teams that have a passion and affinity for taking ownership of the transformation. We equip them with the need tools and skills to drive the change and co-create all initiatives with them from the very beginning. 

Radically human-centered and culture-aware

We don’t come in with a “know-it-all” attitude or shiny slide decks (if you fancy neat PPTs check out my keynotes ;). We are not advisors but sparring partners. We work on eye level. We listen to you and your people, we analyze the legacy and status quo before we advise.

Radically human-centered and culture-aware

We don’t come in with a “know-it-all” attitude or shiny slide decks (if you fancy neat PPTs check out my keynotes ;). We are not advisors but sparring partners. We work on eye level. We listen to you and your people, we analyze the legacy and status quo before we advise.



by Dr. Arndt Pechstein

“Reports show that 70% of company transformations fail. With Dr. Pechstein’s support we feel we belong to the other 30%. His approaches are thorough, honest, effective and empowering. We made leaps and grew in both competence and confidence!”

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